Sunday, August 21, 2011

FOOD MEMORIES... A Specialty from Nova Scotia

Tonight the hubby and I took the kids to a Middle Eastern cafe. Once we were home and eveyone else was tucked in bed, I got to thinking about our trip to Nova Scotia in July & August of 2003...

A few days after camping in Debert (Nova Scotia) with friends and enjoying many a "2-4" of Keith's (or Molson or Labatts), our host drove us around Halifax & Dartmouth to show us the sights. Our last stop of the evening was at "King Donair!!" (I can hear Gary saying it now!!!) :)

We ordered our slices and while we waited, a young guy stumbled in (a jammin' music festival was wrapping up down the block)... I remember watching this fella's face as he bit into his donair pizza -- never have I witnessed such an appreciative display of LOVE!!


Describe it? You won't believe it!! Envision a pizza with gyro-esque meat and then a drizzling of a sweet garlic milk sauce on top... (Thank goodness my sweet-&-salty-loving-self did NOT discover this epicurean curiosity while in college in Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia!)

If you've ever been lucky enough to taste a Donair Pizza -- you may get a CRAZY hankering to make one at home! ;)

On a side note, we have also enjoyed hot pots of TIM's (aka Timmy's or Tim Horton's brand coffee) this week! (I think it beasts *bucks hands down!!)

WOW! Hope you've enjoyed my Random Memories of Food and Adventures....

Top photo: corner pizzaria in Nova Scotia - King of Donair (taken Monday, July 21, 2003, 12:05:58 AM)

Photo below: Cairns with bridge btween Dartmouth & Halifax (taken Monday, July 23, 2003)

Alexander Keith's - "Made to Share"
Brewery tours:*&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&rlz=1I7ADRA_en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Alexander+Keith%27s+Brewery&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Alexander+Keith%27s+Brewery&cid=13577061421262977310

1 comment:

  1. Received the following fabulous note from a friend today!! LOVE IT!! --TC

    "Ironically, we were on the east coast last week visiting with my sister and her kids. Her eldest is entering university in Halifax in 2 weeks. I gave him a $100 and told him it was his ‘donair fund’ - explicitly for late night dining, textbook purchases prohibited with those funds!

    25 years ago I was known by name at King of Donairs..."
